Why you should not touch boys’s adam’s apple???

Perhaps it should be called the Adam and Eve apple.

That’s because women can also have an Adam’s apple. Many people think only men have Adam’s apples, but actually everyone has one because the Adam’s apple is simply the cartilage in front of the larynx, or voice box. A man’s Adam’s apple tends to grow bigger than a woman’s does, so a man’s sticks out more prominently. The Adam’s apple in women is usually not visible, but sometimes it is.

Adam’s apple pain could be a sign of a bigger problem.

According to resources.healthgrades.com, though it may not be the Adam’s apple itself that’s hurting, pain in your neck and throat near the Adam’s apple can potentially be a serious problem. Sore throat and pain when swallowing are two symptoms of laryngeal cancer, but this disease also comes with a lot of other symptoms, such as persistent cough, hoarseness, difficulty breathing, bad breath, and persistent ear pain.

Pain in your neck and throat can also be a symptom of advanced thyroid cancer, but it, too, comes with other symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes and hoarseness. Before you start panicking, remember that sore throat can just be a symptom of the common cold or heartburn. If you’re concerned about persistent pain near your Adam’s  apple, talk to your doctor.

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