Why You Should Never Chase Away This Creature If You Find One Inside Your House

Geckos won’t eat anything from your garden, unlike birds.

These nimble tailed creatures won’t eat any berries, fruits or vegetables in your garden. That’s where they differ from birds which also feed on pests, but who also like the berries or edible fruits you might be growing. Birds may seem sweeter and more harmless, but in reality, they can simply peck up your entire crop, while lizards, on the contrary, can protect it.

They aren’t dangerous to humans.

It might seem like geckos have superpowers because they can crawl up the ceilings and make weird noises during the night, but they’re actually not that scary at all. Common house geckos are not venomous and pose no threat to humans (though they can bite when distressed), and they actually provide a service by feeding on pests around and outside your house.

Geckos can carry salmonella, which is easy to avoid.

Geckos can transmit salmonella, just like many other reptiles. And it’s not through biting, but through their feces. So if you find gecko excrement on something, you should wash it off well and, of course, you shouldn’t kiss them (or cats, dogs, and other animals).

Do you know of any other helpful animals that are usually mistreated? We’d be happy to see your comments in the section below!

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