3. Promotes better sleep
Some people struggle to sleep in a dark room, yet using a nightlight can be excessively bright and uncomfortable. A better option for getting a decent night’s sleep in a hotel is to leave the bathroom light turned on. This way, there is some light, but it isn’t too bright or close to your eyes, making it easier to relax and go asleep.
Furthermore, if you wake up in the middle of the night, the full blackness around you means you’ll have to fumble around for the light, phone, or find the bathroom. This can completely wake you up, making it difficult to fall back asleep. It may also bother others in the room with you.
4. Ensures safety
Nighttime is when you should be most vigilant, especially if you are alone in a hotel room. Leaving the bathroom light on may deter someone with bad intentions from approaching. Seeing the light on may make them believe you’re still awake, discouraging them from attempting to break in.
5. Helps with orientation and reduces accidents.
Because you are unfamiliar with the room arrangement, if you do not leave the bathroom light or a nightlight turned on, you may trip when getting up for water or more blankets. Not to mention, if you have a habit of leaving your bag open in the middle of the room, you risk walking on it and falling since you can’t see where you’re going.