What to Do With Expired Milk

Turn Expired Milk to Cream Cheese

Step 1:

In a heavy-based pot, pour all the milk and heat over medium heat. Once it comes up to a boil, slowly add the vinegar while stirring.

Step 2:

Once the milk has curdled and the liquid becomes yellowish but not cloudy, turn the heat off.

What You Need to Make Cream Cheese

Step 3:

Place a cheesecloth on your strainer or sieve, then place them over a bowl. Pour all of the cheese mixture into the cheesecloth and strain the liquid. Be careful as it can be really hot. Now, you have cheese.

Turn Expired Milk to Cream Cheese 

Step 4:

Place the cheese in a food processor and blend in a couple of minutes until it becomes smooth. Season with salt and virgin olive oil. Blend again until well combined.

Step 5:

Transfer the cream cheese into a jar and seal.

What to Do With Expired Milk


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