The frustration of having your hard-earned cash go to waste when you bring home perishable fruits and vegetables from the supermarket is compounded by the high cost of fresh goods.
You may have noticed that the young carrots in your bag have a fuzzy white covering not long after you purchase them. And while I’m among the many who assume this means the carrots are awful, it’s not always the case.
origin: Consume or Discard
People often call this white covering “carrot blush” or “white blush.” This may be mistaken for mold, but it’s really simply the carrot drying out. There is a lot of water in carrots. This white covering will develop as they begin to drink less water. Your carrots need water, period!
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Carrot blush is no reason to toss out your carrots. Soaking the carrots in cold water for around 10 minutes can bring them back to their fresh condition. The carrot will be rehydrated and the white covering will be removed.
You may still consume the carrots after soaking them, regardless of whether they keep their white covering or not.
source: Recipes for a Healthier Season