What happens in the body if you eat two eggs a day

A powerful slimming ally

If you’re looking to lose weight, eggs can be your best friend. Thanks to their high protein content, they provide a lasting feeling of fullness, including satisfying cravings and reducing overall calorie intake.

Studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast tend to lose weight twice as fast as those who opt for high-carb foods.

A Boost for the Immune System

With the arrival of winter, strengthening your immunity becomes essential. Eating two eggs a day can help you better fight infections, thanks to their selenium content, a trace mineral that protects against viruses and strengthens the body’s natural defenses.

Each egg provides approximately 22% of the daily requirement of selenium, making it an excellent ally in preventing seasonal illnesses.

Improved memory and concentration

Eggs contain an essential nutrient: choline, a key element for cognitive function. It participates in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that improves memory and mental responsiveness.

If you tend to forget where you left your keys, adding eggs to your diet could help you stay more focused and alert.

An asset for eye health

Thanks to their richness in lutein, a powerful antioxidant, eggs protect the retina and ensure good vision is maintained.

Lutein prevents macular degeneration and eye fatigue, especially in people exposed to screens for long periods of time.

A Natural Remedy for Depression

Winter and lack of sunlight can cause low mood due to vitamin D deficiency. Fortunately, eggs are an excellent source of vitamin D, helping to prevent seasonal depression and strengthen bone and dental health.

Natural Anti-Aging Properties

Eggs aren’t just good for the inside, they’re good for the outside too! Thanks to their rich amino acids and antioxidants, they contribute to cell regeneration and slow down skin aging.

Additionally, the vitamin D in eggs is essential for preventing bone fragility, especially in people over 60.

Conclusion: Why adopt eggs in your daily routine?

If you’re not yet in the habit of eating eggs regularly, it might be time to seriously consider it. With their numerous health benefits, from heart to brain, immunity to figure, eggs are a true natural superfood.

So why not start tomorrow?

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