Just imagining them close to them, in their sleeves or worse, in their beds, drives them crazy or sick.
A real phobia, not always justified, that can ruin lives. That said, among these little creatures, there are some that are truly dangerous and can cause death through their bites or stings. This is particularly the case with the Triatominae, also known as the Kissing Bug.
This is a type of blood-feeding bug that can transmit Chagas disease, a fatal condition if not treated promptly. This insect is found primarily in Latin America and the southern United States, usually in hot, tropical areas.
Despite the high temperatures, it’s advisable to wear long sleeves. At night, mosquito netting is recommended, as is closing windows and using air conditioning. Your electricity bills will increase, but you might also be saved.
Chagas disease, when not fatal, requires lifelong treatment, whether for men, women, children, or animals (most often, cats and dogs). It is characterized by progressive shortness of breath and, in many cases, an enlarged heart.
People with this disease must then be monitored regularly by a doctor. For animals, it is sometimes more complex because veterinarians do not always have the means or knowledge of the care required. Owners often decide, if the suffering is recognized, to have the animal put down.
With the current news in France concerning bedbugs worrying the population, the little creatures are taking up a lot of space in the media and on social networks. Whatever the case, in the event of a bite or sting from an insect or other creature that you don’t know, you shouldn’t waste any time or play the superhero.
You should quickly go to the emergency services of your location, trying (easier said than done) to best describe to the doctor the creature that bit you.