This essential oil kills lung, oral and ovarian cancer

This essential oil kills lung, oral and ovarian cancer

Numerous studies have shown that thyme essential oil is a potential killer of lung and breast cancer cells.

Thyme essential oil, or Thymus vulgaris, is composed of 20 to 54 percent thymol. Thyme belongs to the class of natural compounds called “biocides.” It is a substance known to destroy harmful organisms. Scientists tested thyme for its antibacterial and in vitro toxic properties on three human cancer cell lines. It was found that thyme has the power to kill lung, ovarian, and oral cancer cells.

Thyme is native to the Mediterranean, but the Greeks gave it their name. In Greek cuisine, there are still many dishes featuring thyme mixed with olive oil.

Thyme oil has been shown to kill over 97% of lung cancer cells in humans.

Recent research has shown that mixing thyme with olive oil can enhance its anti-cancer properties. This may be why Greeks have the lowest cancer rates compared to the rest of Europe and the United States.

This essential oil is also used in many other traditional remedies due to its powerful antibacterial, antioxidant, and antifungal properties. Celal Bayar, a renowned Turkish university, conducted a study on the effects of wild thyme on breast cancer cells.

At the end of the study,


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