They cost mere pennies, but how much benefit: 5 useful ideas with cable ties that will definitely come in handy

Take 2 hangers. Connect them with two plastic clamps. Trim off the excess.

The result was a kind of clamp. With its help you can store things not on a shelf, but on a hanger! For example, you can store a folded blanket, pillow, or bed linen this way


Trick 3 with wires

If you have cable clutter, solve the problem quickly and easily with cable ties! First, connect all the wires with one clamp.

Then separate each wire by securing zip ties between them. Trim off excess plastic. Now the wires are separated and will no longer get tangled!

Trick 4 with keys

This is a little life hack in case you don’t have a key ring on hand. Just connect them with a cable tie!

Trick 5 with lightning

Broken zipper slider? The problem can be solved with improvised means if there are plastic clamps in the house. Simply secure the tie and trim. The result was a temporary, but fully working slider.

Cable ties are not expensive at all, and they can always come in handy in everyday life! Take the life hacks above into service and come up with something of your own, approaching solving everyday problems creatively and unconventionally.

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