These three astrological signs have a bad reputation

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These three astrological signs have a bad reputation

It’s aperitif time, and you swear that if all the conversations continue to revolve around work, mutual insurance and early osteoarthritis, you’re going to run away? Don’t panic. Just send this article to the whole table to sow confusion, start a debate and watch the mayonnaise take with the sadism of a pyromaniac.

Yes, in the zodiac, not everyone is appreciated in the same way. If there is no astrological sign better or worse than another , humans naturally tend to convey clichés and choose scapegoats. So don’t be too angry with us for revealing the least appreciated astrological signs. I promise, they don’t deserve it. Not completely.

This astrological sign would have a “double face”

When you type ” Gemini are” into the Google search bar , the first response is “liars”. We’re not the ones saying this, Internet users are. It seems that the Gemini sign is one of the least popular of the zodiac. Among the accusations, they are said to be manipulative and moody. The most common criticism? They are said to have two faces and unpredictable reactions.

Astrologically, this is not entirely consistent with the sign of the end of spring. The prejudice probably comes from the fact that Gemini is represented by two children, two twins: hence the “double face”. But if Gemini is two, it is not that they are either one or the other.

It is that they are everything at once! Yes, it is the sign of multiple thinking, of the existence of paradoxes and overall, of the intelligence that is needed to accept the existence of different points of view.

This astrological sign would be the most manipulative of all


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