These 4 Symptoms Are Frequently Seen In Hands And Feet Before C-an-cer Develops

Pain or Numbness:

Unexpected pain, tingling, or numbness in your hands or feet may indicate nerve damage brought on by c-an-c-er or its treatment.

This is especially crucial when the c-an-c-er has gone to the nerves, as in the case of lung, prostate, or bone c-an-c-er.

Changes in Nails:

C-a-nce-r may occasionally be connected to abnormalities in the nails, such as discoloration, thickness, or the formation of white or purple streaks.

For example, black striations beneath the nails may be a sign of melanoma, a form of skin ca-n-ce-r. Plus, nails may become brittle, discolored, or grow vertical ridges as a result of c-a-nc-er therapies like chemotherapy.

It is important to keep in mind that these symptoms may potentially be linked to other illnesses.

For an accurate diagnosis and course of therapy, it’s crucial to consult a doctor if you observe any of these symptoms or other strange changes in your hands or feet.

The results of c-a-nc-er treatment can be greatly enhanced by early detection and intervention.

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