The puzzle that defies logic. Try to solve this mathematical challenge as quickly as possible.

The puzzle that defies logic. Try to solve this mathematical challenge as quickly as possible.

Mathematics has a fascinating power to divide minds: for some, it represents pure pleasure, for others, a source of anxiety. But when it comes to math puzzles, everyone seems to want to try their luck. Recently, a puzzle has been making the rounds on social media, intriguing thousands of Internet users with its provocative warning: “99% failure”.

The puzzle that defies logic

Here are the equations at the heart of the challenge:

1 + 3 = 4
2 + 4 = 10
3 + 5 = 18
4 + 6 = ?

With over 2,000 shares and a flurry of comments, this puzzle has captured the attention of Internet users. While the math seems simple at first glance, the final result has sparked mixed reactions

Internet users’ hypotheses

The answers vary widely. Here are some popular suggestions:


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