The Best Way to Cleanse Your Colon: Just One Tablespoon Before Going to Sleep!

List of items needed:

1 tablespoon of crushed flaxseeds: Flaxseeds have a lot of fiber and healthy fats that can help keep the colon healthy and make it easier to have regular bowel movements.

One spoonful of chia seeds: Chia seeds have a lot of fiber, which helps with digestion and keeps the colon healthy. They also soak up water, swelling to create a gel-like material that helps to make stool softer.

1 tablespoon of sesame seeds is beneficial because they contain a lot of fiber and healthy oils that can help with digestion.

Honey is a natural sweetener that has antibacterial properties and can help with digestion.


Get the seeds ready.

Crush the flaxseeds and sesame seeds until they become a fine powder. Chia seeds can be used in their whole form or ground, depending on what you like.

Combine the ingredients.

Mix the crushed flaxseeds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds in a little bowl. Mix them well to make sure that each type of seed is evenly spread.

Use Honey:


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