Soak Your Feet In Vinegar Once A Week, These 9 Health Problems Will Disappear

Can apple cider vinegar be absorbed from the sea and alleviate the harm to health?

We absorb a lot of options through the skin, including oils, cosmetics, vitamins and toxic substances as well. Beneficial minerals and enzymes of apple cider vinegar can also be absorbed through the skin of the feet.

In their talk about apple cider vinegar for health, researchers in the Life Science Journal confirmed that apple cider vinegar has been traditionally used for more than a year to treat a certain number of diseases that are not related to hyperlipidemia, which is a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Early prevention and the characteristic of atherosclerosis can prevent complications of cardiovascular disease. Also, absorbing apple cider vinegar through a foot bath helps reduce the risk of heart or arterial disease.

Health problems that can be managed with a foot bath

Apaiser une piqûre d’abeille

Strengthen the muscles of the inner feet

Soulager la pain des sols

Guérir la peau d’éche

Characteristic of callosités

Treat champignons des ongles

Eliminates foot odors

Treat the athlete’s foot

Treat fissurés talons

Research suggests that 2 to 3% acidophilus in the laboratory inhibits the growth of bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis and Streptococcus pyogenes.

Since apple cider vinegar is a double acid, you should be careful not to let it come into contact with your face. Remove the water from the bath and rinse with water if you start to experience an allergic reaction such as blemishes or purging.

Apple cider vinegar is used by many people who enjoy its benefits.

Other Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar

En plus d’un bain de pieds, vous pouvez utiliser le vinaigre pour :

– Combattre les pellicules : Après le shampoing, appliquez un peu de vinaigre de cidre de pomme sur le cuir chevelu et laissez reposer 2 minutes. Ensuite, rincez et appliquez votre après-shampoing.

– Eliminer un mal de gorge : Mélangez une cuillère à soupe de vinaigre dans un verre d’eau puis faites des gargarismes.

– Eliminer l’odeur des chaussures : Pour éliminer l’odeur des chaussures, vaporisez une solution de vinaigre et d’eau à parts égales et laissez les chaussures sécher à l’air libre. Le résultat est garanti.

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