I think it’s about time we all started Christmas cookie baking, because you know, it’s never too early for cookies, is it? It totally feels like Christmas here, I mean, it’s so darn cold that it looks as if we were in the middle of January or something. Oh, man, times like these make me wish I lived in my Cozy Pinterest Board. Someone give me lots of blankets, big mugs of hot tea, fluffy wool socks and warm cookies straight from the oven… specially cookies, I need those, pretty please!

These snowball cookies are really popular in Spain. Yes, I know it’s the second typical Spanish cookie recipe that I post this week. No, I don’t care, and so shouldn’t you… Spanish Christmas cookies are delicious, and I predict that you’ll be seeing those often around here. Actually, I’m thinking of writing some posts about typical Spanish food: paella, potato omelette… you know the kind. My dad makes a mean omelette (I don’t mean to brag here, but my brother says it’s the bestest one in the world) and it makes me feel so bad that you’re missing out! So tell me guys, do you think you’d enjoy a typical Spanish recipe series? I’d love to hear what you think about it!

Back to the cookies, as I told you in my Vegan Almond Cookies post, these are really popular in Spain around Christmas time. Although they’re so good, I’d be able to have them all year round… But you guys know me, I’d be able to eat cookies every single day of my life, yeah. Though, it’s safe to say that these are by far my favorite cookies ever and I’m not lying here. I’ve loved the storebought version since I was like 1 year old and now I’ve given homemade a try, I’m shocked to see how awesome they are. Never in my life had I imagined that a cookie could turn out this wonderfully. They’re so flaky it’s like a dream, almost!

I know the ingredient list might sound weird to you. To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of both lard and wine, and I was skeptical about these at first. Actually, the dough tasted so weird that I was pretty positive that these cookies wouldn’t turn out edible. Thank Godness I went on to bake them… because they become the best baked good ever once they’re out of the oven. These are so nice, I tell you.

And if you still don’t believe me (though I wouldn’t lie to you when it comes to cookies, do you think I’m that evil??), let me tell you how all my testers thought that these were the best cookies they’d ever put into their mouths. Although the Almond Cookies I blogged about a few days ago came in so close too. It is hard to choose among them, so I’d highly recommed you baked both these Christmas… after all, you all need a tray full of cookies. Are there ever too many?