3. Stretch

When a leg cramp strikes in your calf, stand in front of a wall. Place all your weight on your cramped leg and bend your knee to stretch the muscle. If it is too painful to stand, sit on the floor or in a chair with your cramped leg extended and with a straight leg, try to pull the top of your foot toward your head. The sitting stretch is also effective for releasing hamstring cramps.
4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains calcium and potassium, two minerals known to help relieve muscle cramps. Naturopaths recommend drinking apple cider diluted with warm water and an added teaspoon of honey to prevent nighttime leg cramps. You can also make a warm vinegar compress by soaking a warm cloth in strong vinegar and wrapping the homemade compress around the affected muscle for twenty minutes.
5. Self massage

In the height of a muscle cramp, your best option may be to manually manipulate the muscle. To do this, find the center of the cramp and using your thumb or the heel of your hand, press into the tightened muscle. Hold the pressure for ten seconds, release, and then push again. The self massage may be slightly painful, but should not be intolerable. Repeat the massage and soon you should feel the muscle release and relax.