Our ears reveal our true state of health

Bloody: Beware of injuries

Earwax containing traces of blood may indicate an injury in the ear canal or even a perforated eardrum. This type of sign requires prompt medical attention to avoid complications.

Dark brown: Stress involved

Stress can affect earwax production, causing an unusual dark brown color. If this happens to you, it’s time to take care of yourself according to your stress level by using relaxation techniques.

Black: Sign of a fungal infection

Black earwax, especially if accompanied by a strong odor or pain, may be a symptom of a fungal infection. A visit to an ENT specialist is essential to effectively treat this problem.

White: a vitamin deficiency

White earwax can be linked to an iron or zinc deficiency. To correct this, eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and lean protein.

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