What others say
While trying to solve the riddle online, some netizens have given their opinion on what is missing from the photo.
“Respect,” one user begins. The elderly, pregnant woman sits down. And the other woman too. [If I were there, I would force the men to stand up. Don’t ask, do.”
A second netizen says there is a lack of “manners”: “The older women and the pregnant lady [are] standing [while] the young people sit and enjoy the ride.”
A third suggests it is “common sense of the male generation.” He writes: “At 74, I would give up my seat to an elderly person or a pregnant woman. Or a person with a disability.
And another adds: “There is a lack of masculinity.”
What’s missing? Chivalry.
Whether it’s opening a door for someone, offering a kind word, or simply treating people with respect, chivalry seems like a lost art these days. A small effort to be kind and considerate can go a long way toward making the world (and your everyday interactions) a little brighter.
So back to chivalry, one small gesture at a time. Who’s up for it?