Castor oil has properties that can fight bacteria and may stop acne. It is also thick enough to not block pores and cause blackheads. SC has many recipes for face wash. To care for oily skin, combine 1 part castor oil with 3 parts safflower oil or primrose oil. For skin that is both oily and dry, blend 1 part castor oil with 4 parts Argan oil. To treat dry skin, combine 1 portion of castor oil with 10 portions of Camellia oil.
Please provide the text that you would like me to simplify. Take care of your acne.
This dense oil has ricinoleic acid, which can prevent acne and help heal existing acne. Good Health Academy creates a castor oil mask by combining 2 drops of castor oil, 2 drops of almond oil, and 1 drop of camphor oil. Put this on your face before going to bed and leave it on while you sleep. Wash your face in the morning before putting on makeup.
Number 5. Make your hair shiny and help it grow.
Some people think that using castor oil can make hair grow faster and healthier. Dr. Axe suggests creating a hair treatment using 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and the juice from half a lemon. Apply this product from the roots to the ends of your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing and styling your hair.
Please provide the text you would like me to simplify. Deal with fungal infections.
Since castor oil has substances that fight germs, some people believe it could be useful in treating fungal infections. If you want to treat jock itch, ringworm, or athlete’s foot, Mercola suggests heating up castor oil and putting it on the affected area before going to sleep. Use every evening for around a week or until the fungus disappears.
Number 7. Decrease joint pain.
Castor oil has properties that can reduce inflammation and might relieve joint pain. Dr. Axe suggests applying castor oil directly on the painful joints and then using a warm compress afterwards. He suggests doing it two times every week.
Castor oil has beneficial healing properties. Keep in mind that some individuals might have an allergic reaction to the oil, so try it on a small patch of skin before using it extensively. Who would have thought that a basic vegetable oil could be so useful?