I wish I knew about this earlier! Pressing it now!

Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) both center on the idea that certain places on the body may affect one’s health in different ways. Stomach 36 (ST36), often called the “Point of Endurance” or “Zusanli” in Chinese, is a very important point among them.

Among its many lauded medicinal uses is ST36, which is situated on the leg. Learn more about Stomach 36—its location, stimulation methods, and potential physiological effects—in this in-depth essay.


Exploring Stomach 36: Where It Is and Why It Matters

Approximately four finger-widths below the kneecap and one finger-width lateral (towards the outside) from the tibia (shinbone) is where you may find stomach 36 of the lower leg. Connected to the Stomach Meridian—a vast network of energy channels in Traditional Chinese Medicine—this is one of the most important acupuncture sites on the body.

The “Point of Endurance” gets its name from the profound impact it has on general vitality, immunological function, mental and physical endurance, and resilience. When dealing with a wide range of health issues, acupuncturists and acupressure practitioners often refer to this point.

Advantages to Health from Stomach Stimulation 36

1. Improving Immune System Function

The capacity to enhance the immune system is among the most famous advantages of pressing or needling ST36. The conventional wisdom is that by repeatedly stimulating this spot, one might strengthen their immune system and so reduce their vulnerability to disease.

Research suggests that ST36 may boost the body’s defenses against infections by increasing white blood cell numbers, making it an important part of preventative health care.

Step Two: Improving Digestive Health


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