Here’s Why ‘Old Person Smell’ Is a Real Thing and How You Can Fix It

However, there are several things one can do to fight off what originates in the skin.

Exercise helps with metabolism, so engaging in physical activities can help keep the hormones balanced and stress levels down. Another key step is to launder clothes regularly.

Nonenal can easily build up on clothing, so it may be necessary to wash your clothes more frequently. Eating a healthy diet that includes lots of antioxidants and water can aid the skin. Dehydration not only dries the skin, but can also contribute to odors that emit from the mouth and body.

Hygiene is only one step, but one of the simplest things you can do is to let some fresh air inside! Getting older is inevitable and it’s a natural part of life for the body to change. However, showing our elders compassion, respect, and love is something that will never get old.

Does this familiar odor bother you? Did you know there was a scientific reason behind it? What do think of specialized products that might neutralize the effects of nonenal?

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