I reflected upon how my cooking has changed over the past year or so. I have adopted a more whole and real food approach to eating, which has resulted in more time spent in the kitchen. I spend more time cooking meals from scratch — everything from sauces to seasonings. I try to make everything homemade as much as possible, which of course, takes more time than buying it at the grocery store. But I can’t say that I ever complain about it. I love the time I spend in the kitchen preparing foods for myself, and others that I know are going to nourish our bodies with the good stuff.

Sure, I spend more time than the typical 22 years old does in the kitchen, but it is time well-spent, in my opinion. I am practicing different styles and methods of cooking and growing my knowledge of food in the process. It is something I love and something I am willing to spend the time and energy on.

A few days after the cooking class, I decided to create a fresh Pico de Gallo recipe for the blog. Pico de Gallo is a favorite topping of mine on tacos, burrito bowls, or whatever else I can think of adding it to. I wanted to create a Pico de Gallo recipe that would be a go-to for myself and for you all, my readers.

I wanted it to be a simple recipe that was not overly complicated. Because let’s be real, it’s Pico de Gallo, not a four-course meal! I bought all the ingredients I needed and got to work on them. When I first went to make it, I assumed it would be about 5 minutes of prep work to make. But when I actually started chopping and slicing and cutting everything, it took me longer. I will admit I am a very slow chopper, especially when it comes to onions! 🙈 And to be honest, I did not mind it. Sure it took me a while to get everything prepped, but as I put it together into the bowl and began mixing it all up, every minute, I spent on this Pico de Gallo became worth it.

The fresh flavors came out after I let it marinate in the fridge for an hour. And all the time I spent, even if it was longer than I had originally planned on, was worth it. Sure, I could have thrown everything in my food processor to chop up, but there was just something about taking that time to create this recipe from scratch. All my energy poured into this Pico de Gallo, and it became a labor of love.

So I certainly hope you love it as much as I did! Take the extra time today to create this Pico de Gallo that is made of all real and fresh ingredients.

And stay tuned here on the blog because later this month, I have another recipe coming your way that is going to use this fresh Pico de Gallo!!


  • 4 medium Ripe Tomatoes chopped
  • ¼ cup White Onion finely chopped
  • ¼ cup Fresh Cilantro finely chopped
  • 1 clove Garlic minced
  • 1 Jalapeno Pepper deseeded and finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp Lime Juice
  • Sea Salt to taste


  • Combine all ingredients into a mixing bowl.
  • Stir together and test to see if any additional lime juice or sea salt is needed. Adjust to taste preferences.
  • Place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour to let flavors combine before serving.

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