Easy trick to relieve body pain is gaining popularity everywhere

Just below is the spot that is connected to the body’s internal organs. If you’re experiencing a lot of pain, you should naturally contact a physician. But for mild pain or discomfort, use a clothespin or your fingers to pinch this spot. It can give you the relief you’re looking for.

The upper middle part of the ear is most closely associated with pain and stiffness in the joints. Again, use a clothespin or your fingers to pinch this spot for relief. If the problem is chronic, visit your doctor. But I see no harm in trying this simple trick out first.

The lower middle portion of the ear is connected to the sinuses and throat. If you want relief for colds or sinus infections, here’s the spot that can alleviate the pain.

Just above your ear lobe is the spot associated with digestion. Pinch this spot to help relieve stomach pain. And if you tend to often feel nauseous, you can even try this out as a preventative method.

Finally, the lowest part of the ear, your love, is said to be connected to two main parts of the body: the head and the heart. Apply pressure on the ear lobe to relieve headaches. It can prove to be very effective.

It’s not entirely clear how and what acupuncture does to the body, but it’s widely believed that the treatment releases endorphins, one of the body’s natural pain-relieving substances. The effect of endorphins on the body help lessen pain.

These methods however should never take precedence over your health care professional’s advice. Either way, I know I’ll definitely be giving “ear-cupuncture” a shot, if anything out of sheer curiosity. Will you also try this out? Let us know how it works for you in the comment section.

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