Did you know that if hair grows in your ears it is because your body has…
It is natural to have hair on your ears. However, if you have a lot, you may ask why. Really, it’s not that strange. Almost your entire body is covered in some type of hair. The only parts that do not have it are your palms, lips, and soles of your feet.
Your ears have hair both on the outside and inside them. Even in large quantities, it is usually harmless.
Why do ears have hair?
Before you were born, your entire body was covered with luxurious hair, including your ears. This is known as lanugo. It can take several weeks for it to go gone, especially for premature babies.
Some people, particularly men, develop more hair in and around their ears as they age. Doctors believe it may be due to an increase in testosterone. This hormone causes hair to become coarser and thicker as it grays.
The hair immediately inside your ear, together with earwax, keeps dirt and debris away from your eardrum.
Tiny hairs inside your ear help you hear and stay balanced. They live in fluid-filled canals. When you move, the liquid follows you. This bends the hairs and indicates where your body is in space.
What Causes Excess External Ear Hair?