Bedbugs: This ingredient from your cupboard that eliminates them in no time

Bedbugs: This ingredient from your cupboard that eliminates them in no time

Bedbugs, those tiny nocturnal invaders, turn your nights into nightmares. And once they’re established, they seem very difficult to eliminate! Rather than immediately resorting to chemical insecticides, have you considered natural solutions? A common ingredient you probably already have in your cupboards can make all the difference! Discover how lavender and other plants can help effectively keep these pests away.

Why is lavender the enemy of bedbugs?

Lavender is well known for its  soothing properties and pleasant scent . However, this same scent is  unbearable for bed bugs  !

  • A natural repellent  : Its smell  disturbs these parasites and limits their installation .
  • Recognized antiparasitic properties  : Lavender essential oil is a powerful insect repellent.
  • Long-lasting protection  : Placed in the right places, lavender  reduces the proliferation of bedbugs over the long term .

Tip  : If you have a lavender plant in your garden,  cut a few sprigs and place them in your room  for natural and effective protection!

A lavender bedbug spray

Make your own repellent spray in minutes with simple ingredients!

Ingredients :


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