A month before a stroke, your body warns you: 10 signs not to ignore

According to doctors, 10 symptoms could be warning signs a few weeks before a stroke.

Some of these symptoms would already occur, to a lesser extent, a few weeks or months before a stroke. This is particularly the case with memory loss.

So you have to be very attentive to the signs and take care of your body. Eating healthy, controlling your cholesterol, limiting alcohol and tobacco consumption are just some of the factors that can limit the risk of stroke.

  • Visual, auditory and olfactory hallucinations should be taken very seriously.
  • Exhaustion
  • Facial paralysis
  • Tunnel vision: Loss of peripheral vision can be worrisome.
  • Loss of coordination: If your movements become uncoordinated, contact your doctor immediately.
  • Speech difficulties: If you have difficulty speaking and communicating, it is essential to call an ambulance.
  • Headaches: If you don’t have migraines, this is a symptom to be aware of.
  • Sudden increases in blood pressure are a serious signal to anticipate.
  • Survival from a stroke depends on the speed of intervention, so these symptoms are essential to recognize.And, when in doubt, never hesitate to call emergency services.

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