What left-handers have that right-handers don’t, according to experts

What left-handers have that right-handers don’t, according to experts

There are everyday details we don’t always pay attention to. Yet, a simple hand preference could be the key to an overlooked talent. Left-handers, a minority but fascinating group, are said to possess an ability that science is beginning to better understand. But what makes them so special?

Being left-handed: a brain that thinks differently

It’s estimated that around 10% of the world’s population is left-handed. That may not seem like a lot, but among them, there’s a  notable concentration  of iconic figures: Leonardo da Vinci, Lady Gaga, Mozart, and even filmmaker Christopher Nolan. What do they have in common? A  remarkable ability  to innovate and think outside the box.

But why do left-handers seem so often associated with creativity? It may simply have to do with their brains. Unlike right-handers, who more often engage their left hemisphere—the hemisphere of logical reasoning and language—left-handers more frequently activate their right hemisphere, the seat of intuition, emotions, and, above all, creativity.

Imagine a piano score: the left hemisphere plays the methodical, structured notes, while the right hemisphere improvises lyrical flights. Left-handers, on the other hand, seem naturally more inclined to play these free and unexpected notes.

Creativity proven by science


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