If you can spot all the faces hidden in this optical illusion in less than ten seconds, your eyesight is among the best.
Imagine yourself in front of a simple tree trunk. At first glance, nothing unusual. However, upon closer inspection, faces seem to emerge, as if the bark revealed a secret gallery. Why do some people distinguish them immediately, while others have to adjust their gaze to see them? This phenomenon, observed throughout the ages, raises a fascinating question: what if our perception deceives us? A 19th-century mystery that remains unsolved
The exact origin of the Tree of Appearances remains uncertain. This optical illusion, created over 140 years ago, is said to have been first published in a magazine of the time, Harper’s Outlined. But one detail is intriguing: among the ten hidden faces, some seem to represent figures born after the image was created. Simple coincidence or artistic intuition?
While some works age, this image retains all its power. Unlike modern illusions, often created using digital tools, the Tree of Appearances relies on a subtle play of trompe-l’oeil. But why does it continue to attract our attention?
Why do we see faces in this image?