8 subtle signs that a person does not clean their home

8 subtle signs that a person does not clean their home

Sometimes, we might visit someone’s place and wonder about their cleaning routine. Of course, everyone is different, and hence, we cannot expect the same level of cleanliness from everyone.

However, there are certain things you can look for to find out how people clean. Or even how your spouse or children clean! When you assign chores, sometimes people do not clean the right way, and these tips will help you identify it.

So keep reading to learn more about what signs to look for when you are unsure if something is clean the way you expect it to be.

When you visit someone’s place, things might seem tidy, but there is a big difference between someone taking the time to clean everything properly and just doing a quick, superficial tidying job. In this piece, we will help you identify some signs that will give you an idea of what happened before you got there.

1. Cluttered Corners

While the main areas of the room look clean, you should look at the corners, behind the doors, and under furniture. These are spots which usually collect dust. These areas reveal who did a thorough job or who just tried to do it superficially. People who are accustomed to keeping a tidy home make sure to keep the corners clean as well.

2. Lingering Odors

When you keep your home clean, the entire place has a nice smell to it. But sometimes people use air or room fresheners to mask bad smells which might result from uncleanlieness. Candles and fresheners can be used to hide the smell of dirty carperts, pets, or musty smells. A true clean room will not need too many artificial smells.

3. Dust on Various Surfaces


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