10 war:n:ing signs you’re eating too much sugar
Although sugar is commonly found in cakes and pastries, it can also be found in bread, sauces, and even supposedly “healthy” snacks.
These are ten indicators that you might be consuming too much sugar.
1. Persistent Desires for Candy
Your b.o.dy may be addi:cted if you consistently reach for something sweet after meals. Sugar can be addictive, leading to a vicious cycle in which your cravings increase as you eat more.
2. Recurrent Skin Conditions or Breakouts
Inflammation brought on by too much sugar might manifest as acne, redness, or other skin issues.
3. Gaining Weight, Particularly Around the Belly
Sugary foods can cause weight gain even when they are heavy in empty calories, which means they don’t include vital nutrients.
4. Stiffness and Pain in the Joints
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