10 Signs You’re Lacking Water

5. Feeling hungry…even though you’ve already eaten

Have you ever felt a sudden hunger right after a meal? Your brain can sometimes confuse thirst with hunger , prompting you to snack when your body is simply asking for water. Before giving in to a snack craving, drink a large glass of water and wait a few minutes.

6. Painful muscle cramps

Do you experience cramps after a workout or in the middle of the night? Lack of water can disrupt the electrolyte balance in your muscles, leading to involuntary and painful contractions. Drinking enough water, along with magnesium and potassium, can reduce this risk.

7. Repeated urinary tract infections

Not drinking enough water can prevent you from properly flushing out toxins and bacteria through your urine, increasing your risk of developing urinary tract infections. If you experience burning when you urinate or your urine is very dark, this may be a sign that you need to drink more.

8. A concentration in free fall

Difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, foggy mind… Dehydration directly impacts cognitive functions. Since our brain is composed of approximately 75% water , a lack of hydration slows down the transmission of information and reduces alertness .

9. Painful kidney stones

Your kidneys need water to function properly. If you don’t drink enough, toxins build up and can form kidney stones , causing severe pain. Drinking enough water helps to properly eliminate these wastes and prevent this complication.

10. A decrease in physical performance

Whether you are an athlete or simply active in your daily life, a lack of water can impact your endurance and energy . Insufficient hydration reduces the supply of oxygen to the muscles , leading to fatigue and reduced performance. If you sweat a lot, consider compensating by drinking regularly.

Water, your health ally

Drinking water is more than just a gesture: it is a vital necessity. It is recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day , or even more in case of physical activity or high temperatures. Think about it! Do you have trouble remembering it? Use reminders, keep a water bottle handy or add lemon or mint to your water for more pleasure.

Don’t underestimate the importance of water and listen to your body : it sends you clear signals when you lack hydration. So, when was your last glass of water?

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